Our Story

On 1 April 2013, Johan Hemelaere founded the investment company Horatius Capital Partners (HCP) after a career of 30 years as an accredited asset manager and in consultation with its partners.

The objective of HCP is to achieve a result that doubles the value of its assets every 5 to 7 years, protects the assets’ purchasing power and further increases it for the coming generations.

Our Mission


HCP consists of shareholders/partners with the assets of the Hemelaere family being invested together with the partners’ assets, and HCP distinguishes itself by consistently implementing the investment philosophy of a value investor. This entails constantly looking for considerably undervalued listed companies with strong management, free cash flow and a long, positive history.

The goal of HCP is to double the value of our assets every 5 to 7 years. The value of our share increased from € 1 in 2013 to € 2,5063 in 2024. This comes down to an average annual net growth of 13,39%. We intend to maintain and even improve this result.

As an HCP partner, you can always expect open and clear communication. We build long-term relationships based on trust and centred around communication and results. In addition, the management costs are lower than the market average, so the return can be maximized.

A successful investment strategy and ample experience are invaluable.

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