HDY-Invest – high dividend yield

Permanently looking to ensure you of a regular income.

HDY-Invest is a fund that wants to provide substantial dividends on a regular basis.

HDY exclusively invests in listed stocks with a stable evolution in their respective markets with a high dividend policy since many years and that have increased the amount of dividend they pay to their shareholders. These companies have been extremely carefully selected to be able to pay substantial dividends on a long term basis, as they have done so in the past, thanks to their prudent management of the reserves which also should enable them to be well prepared for any further financial and/or economic crisis.

In addition, these long term growth companies are bought at a lower stock price comparatively to their intrinsic value (whenever it is possible); by proceeding this way, we intend to protect our purchasing power and mitigate the risk linked to any stock investment in the best way possible.

HDY-Invest is a RAIF under Luxembourg law indirectly controlled by the CSSF (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier - the Luxembourg Regulator) with the minimum investment amounting to €100.000.

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