Establishment in 1990

17 Januari 1991

Horatius is the first company in Belgium to obtain a licence from the Financial Services and Markets Authority (FSMA) as an accredited investment manager, after the passing of the Belgian law of 5 December 1990 on the modernisation of financing. From the start, only discretionary asset management contracts are concluded with clients.


Purchase of the town house of Hendrik Conscience in the centre of Kortrijk. The eclectic salons are restored and decorated to receive clients in style and discretely.


Horatius Consult is established so as to become a specialist in providing financial planning services to Flemish investors.


Establishment of Horatius Life, and accreditation as an insurance broker.


Relocation of Horatius Life to Luxembourg and acquisition of a license for actively providing private banking insurance in all member states of the European Union. Horatius Life changes its name to CRM services.


Horatius Consult is transformed into “Belgian Family Office” (BFO). BFO develops into a very successful group after obtaining a lisence as a real estate broker and credit broker.


Sale of the shares of the BFO group to the management.


The activity of asset manager is discontinued.

1 April 2013

NV Horatius is transformed into a cooperative and changes its purpose to exclusively managing its own assets.

September 2022

Lana Hemelaere joins Horatius Capital Partners.

The origin of the name Horatius Capital Partners:

Horatius Flaccus

Roman poet Quintus Horatius Flaccus, known in the English-speaking world as Horace, was born in Venusia on 8 December 65 BC and died in Rome on 27 November 8 BC. He received an excellent education, first from his teacher Orbilius and later on in Athens, where he immersed himself in Greek culture and philosophy.

After a short military career, rising to the rank of military tribune, he settled in Rome, where he worked for the treasury as a civil servant. Managing private and public funds gradually became second nature to him. Horatius distinguished himself in everything he did, as a civil servant and later on as a full-time poet.

He left us numerous quotes and wisdoms, two of the best-known being: “money, as it increases, becomes either the master or the slave of its owner” and “carpe diem” (seize the day).