Published books by Johan Hemelaere

Horatius: Brieven aan de vennoten (letters to the partners)

2013 - 2019 / first edition

The first edition of "brieven aan de vennoten" (letters to the partners) compiles all newsletters written by Johan Hemelaere to his partners over the years.

In every newsletter, Johan shares his insights and vision as to the current economic and financial situation and explains the course of action which he believes must be taken. In other words, Johan is known for making forward-looking investment decisions which positively impact HCP’s overall result.

In 2014, Johan Hemelaere already wrote about hyperinflation which would affect our society.

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Horatius: Brieven aan de vennoten (letters to the partners)

2013 - 2019 / second edition with additional letters

The second edition of "brieven aan de vennoten" (letters to the partners) compiles all newsletters written by Johan Hemelaere to his partners over the years.

In every newsletter, Johan shares his insights and vision as to the current economic and financial situation and explains the course of action which he believes must be taken. In other words, Johan is known for making forward-looking investment decisions which positively impact HCP’s overall result.

In 2014, Johan Hemelaere already wrote about hyperinflation which would affect our society.

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Horatius Capital Partners "Price is what you pay, value is what you get" - Warren Buffet